Learn from the true experts
Take lessons and tests online & Earn badges and certificates
Tamilcube Academy is the World's first Tamil Elearning Platform that helps K-12 students learn, revise and practice Tamil lessons and exam questions from anywhere anytime.
Tamilcube Academy is brought to you by Tamilcube Learning Centre which is the Singapore's largest private premium Tamil school. Tamilcube's more than 10 years of educational excellence has made this Platform a reality.
The syllabus covered in the Platform for all levels, including kindergarten, primary and secondary, is based on the guidelines and syllabus recommended by Singapore's Ministry of Education. However, the content of the courses can be effectively used by students from other countries as well.
The Platform comes with several rich features including multimedia content, automatic marking of tests, tracking of progress, issueing of certificates, etc.To make use of the full features of the platform, it is recommended to become a member by registering.
Register today, and start learning Tamil from the true experts!
Comsys Technologies operates Tamilcube Learning Centres at 3 locations, Little India, Bedok and Jurong East, for teaching of Tamil language to children from K1 to Secondary. Tamilcube's method of Game based interactive learning is hugely popular among Singapore parents.
Tamilcube publishes and distributes Tamil textbooks, workbooks, guides and test papers as eBooks and also as printed books suitable for children from Nursery to Secondary. Tamilcube distributes Tamil books and Tamil resources such as toys, games and story books to Singapore schools. One-to-one and group classes are offered online as well in class room.
Tamilcube also offers Tamil Conversational Class for adults.
Under the Tamilcube brand, Comsys Technologies owns and operates the popular online educational portal, Tamilcube.com. It is the world leader in online Tamil translation tools. It develops and publishes translation tools such as dictionaries and automated translators online. Tamilcube’s English to Tamil Dictionary is the world’s number one dictionary online, and it consistently appears on top in Google Search.
Tamilcube provides accurate Tamil translation services to Government and Private organisations. Additionally, Teacher Traing Courses are also offered to Singapore Tamil teachers.
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